Monday, December 28, 2009

Memories we’d sometimes rather forget


[Photo via]

I had to come up with two questions to send out this week because I didn’t feel like bothering with writing up next week’s post while I’m out of town because I’m a self-centered ass like that.

So, here’s the first question I asked them:

What's your strangest Christmas memory?

Answers after the jump:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas spirit

fridge_ribbonsI’m finally back from my computer problems, so The Panel is back with a new question.

The question this week is simple enough, I think

What gets you in the Christmas spirit?

Answers after the jump:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shopping help

I've got computer issues, so the posts won't be as pretty until I get them fixed, but there will be posts!

This week I asked The Panel what they get for that someone on their list that's impossible to shop for.

Answers after the jump: